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OnsongSwing Golf Training Aid

Queensland inventor and weekend golfer Vern Johnson (pictured left) has been developing the OnsongSwing® golf training aid for the past five years and understands the importance of getting the golf swing and follow though right.

“If you play golf for any length of time you will see that the best golfers seem to have effortless golf swings and extraordinary levels of consistency,” Vern said.

So how can this new invention help the average golfer improve their game?

onsongswing training aid

“The OnsongSwing is a micro-processor controlled device that accurately measures club head speed 1000 times per second,” Vern said. “The graphical display can reveal significant differences between your practice swings and your swing when striking a ball. Using the graphs as a guide for your practice sessions, you can strengthen the dynamics of your golf swing, improve consistency and maximise club head acceleration through the ball.”

Vern explained that the OnsongSwing tone directly connects you with the progress of your swing in real time by providing audio feedback that bypasses conscious thought. The training effect is that the tone you hear as you swing the club becomes the focus of your golf swing.

“The result is a fluid, instinctive movement that takes no conscious effort to achieve,” he said. “By training with a focus on prolonging the audible tone from the back foot well into the up-swing, you can be sure the club head will still be accelerating when you strike the ball.”

Developed and manufactured in Australia, Vern is delighted to have gained the Australian Made endorsement. “We’re very proud to have been able to use the expertise of our Aussie associates in plastics, electronics and industrial design. Our mission is to give every golfer the best possible opportunity to improve their game and enjoy their golf to the fullest, whether they practise in their backyard or at the driving range.”

“Our research and development program across several years, along with our commitment and investment in perfecting the technologies inherent in the OnsongSwing, has allowed us to deliver a unique golf training aid that we believe can transform your golf”.

Available on-line at the OnsongSwing website for $247.50 with free delivery Australia wide at

The OnsongSwing® golf swing training aid is a microprocessor-controlled device that accurately measures club head speed 1000 times per second. Its graphical display can reveal significant differences between your practice swings and your swing when striking a ball. Using the graphs as a guide for practice sessions, the inventor Vern Johnson says the patented “Australian Made” device can strengthen the dynamics of your golf swing, improve consistency and maximise club head acceleration through the ball.


The unique feature of the OnsongSwing is the audible tone that directly connects you with the progress of your swing in real time by providing audio feedback that bypasses conscious thought. The training effect is that the tone you hear as you swing the club becomes the focus of your golf swing. The result is a fluid, instinctive movement that takes no conscious effort to achieve. By training with a focus on prolonging the audible tone from the back foot well into the upswing, you can be sure the club head will still be accelerating when you strike the ball.

Additional Features

The OnsongSwing has a built in benchmarking library to help keep track of your progress. You can review your previous eight swings and compare each with the benchmarked ‘best’ swing to guide your practice.

* Review screens and a benchmarked swing are available for six different club types: wedges, short irons, mid irons, hybrids, woods and driver. All review screens are saved between practice sessions.

* A range of menu options will customise your OnsongSwing to fit your swing dynamics, your physiology and your preferences for display screens and sounds.

* Inbuilt FM Radio transmitter diverts all sounds to the ear-buds of your phone or media player — providing an enhanced feedback effect.

* High sensitivity settings specifically for pitching and chipping practice.

* Adjustable display resolution to match your swing speed graphs.

* Securely attaches to your golf club.

* Left and right hand options.

RRP: $247.50 with free delivery Australia wide.